Termos e Condições

General license conditions for the use of DocSending.com software

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale grants to the Customer, who accepts, the only non-exclusive LICENSE OF USE, temporarily and remotely via the internet, of the use of the web file sharing platform www.DocSending.com and of the relative application software and / or Services to it. related and reserves, even for its successors in title, the exclusive ownership of the same and all its rights, always being able to dispose of them as it sees fit and towards anyone. It is allowed to use this service only from 16 years of age. It should be noted that the software licensed for use via the web is an application produced by an external partner and marketed by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale which owns the property, accessible via the Internet in SaaS mode (Software as a Service: a model of distribution of application software based on client-server technology and entirely web based, i.e. that does not require, beyond an internet connection and a web browser, the installation of any additional software or hardware component, for the purpose of the implicit operation of the "SaaS" application) and that the object of the contract is therefore generally carried out through:

- The availability of a space on technological infrastructures owned or authorized and certified by third parties, at its own offices and / or at third party offices, (all referred to as "hosting");

- The provision of access credentials for the use of the application software, indicated in the Agreement, under a web license for use in SAAS ("Software as a Service") mode;

- The updating and evolution of the software programs and services indicated in the Contract.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to modify the product without notice and at any time. The User License does not include the right to obtain the software in source format, nor to have the related logical and / or project documentation.

Under penalty of termination of the use license, the Customer is STRICTLY PROHIBITED from:

- run the program in debugger mode;

- perform operations of reverse engineering, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software;

- modify, adapt or translate the software;

- make copies of the software;

- copy and / or modify any documentation (manual, videos, brochures, presentations, etc.) of this Program without the authorization of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale.


By selecting (or flagging) the appropriate acceptance box of this contract, the Customer declares to have received a copy of the general conditions of contract below and / or to have downloaded a copy from the DocSending.com website, to have read them and to have including the content and to accept the content in its entirety. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to modify the General Conditions at any time and without notice. For its part, the Customer undertakes to verify the existence of any changes to the Conditions of the Service Provision in time to be able to terminate it within the contractual terms. By accepting this agreement, if you use the DocSending.com services on behalf of your Employer or another organization, you accept the terms of that organization and declare and guarantee that you have the authority to do so. Aki Project srl Unipersonale is not responsible for any third party services, terms and / or policies.


The software and all tools to support the use of the software (manual, video manual, online help, etc.) constitute intellectual property and is the property of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale. The structure, organization and software code are important industrial secrets and confidential information owned by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale. The software is protected by law and by national and international standards governing copyrights and contracts, as well as by regulations and agreements on intellectual property. Except as expressly provided for in this License, AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale does not grant the Customer any intellectual property rights on the Software and related services.


The Customer undertakes, at his own expense and care, to prepare, purchase, activate and install everything necessary for the completion of the telematic service provided by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale. By way of example but not limited to, suitable terminals (personal computers, smartphones), telephone lines, telephone equipment and modem and / or router equipment, Internet access programs, antivirus programs, subscriptions, devices, etc. It is understood and agreed between the parties that in no case AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale guarantees that the equipment and everything as above prepared and used by the Customer is suitable for satisfying the service offered by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale and achieves its purposes. Any connections between computers and / or systems will take place according to the methods and technical requirements specified from time to time by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale and viewable on the website www. DocSending.com, which the Customer declares to know and accept. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale will be able to provide all the technical and useful information for the performance of the services and will use its own connection standards, equipment and programs, reserving any possible modification of the same, remaining however relieved of any charge or liability. All connection costs are borne by the Customer, adapting their equipment if necessary according to the parameters and standards defined from time to time by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale does not guarantee that the procedures of this program meet the needs of the Customer and that these work in any combination they are used, nor does it provide any other guarantee, express or implied, relating to any user manual, archives and databases contained. , any manual video and software; consequent risks deriving from their use are completely borne by the Customer and therefore in no case AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale will be responsible for direct or indirect damages or damages resulting from software defects. The Customer has the burden and responsibility of choosing, using and managing the Program in order to achieve the desired result. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale will not be responsible in any way for the results obtained through the use of the software. The people who use the software are responsible for the use of the program.

Exclusion of liability for indirect damages : in no case AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale will be liable for damages (including, without limitation, damage due to loss or loss of earnings, business interruption, loss of information, data, viruses, server malfunctions or other economic and / or image losses) deriving from use of the program, even in the case that AKI Project srl Unipersonale was warned of the possibility of such damages. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale assumes no responsibility for the content and / or correctness of any Data and / or Archives provided with the program, on their compliance with current legislation and on the documents that can be obtained from their use. The Customer, therefore, is required to evaluate and verify the Data and / or the Archives in all their parts, including their compliance with current legislation, being himself solely responsible for the accuracy of the documents and the results obtained from the their use. The Program Archives, unless otherwise expressly stated, are the property of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale and can only be used according to the conditions of use of this contract.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to make any functional, technical or technological changes to the DocSending.com. platform, it deems necessary at its sole discretion, and does not guarantee that the new versions have identical functionality as the previous versions; these may be removed, improved or modified as required by current legislation.


In order to use the Services provided by the www.docsending.com platform, the Customer, after having accepted this contract, having accepted the information on the processing of personal data and on the use of cookies, can choose whether to use the platform for free , with the limitations provided on the website www.docsending.com, or in paid subscription mode.

In "subscription" mode, he will therefore have to have a valid account, which can be obtained by registering on the website www.DocSending.com by filling in the registration form indicated therein and providing all the requested information. To allow the Customer to evaluate the services offered by www.DocSending.com, AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale has provided for the activation of a free trial account (Trial), only once and for a limited period of time during which the customer can use the software in the manner provided on the website www. DocSending. com. After this time, without the Customer having confirmed the purchase of the service, the authorization will be interrupted and the uploaded data will be definitively deleted. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to extend the trial period to the user. The customer will still be able to use the platform free of charge, with the limitations set forth on the website www.docsending.com

Customers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account access data (username / password), and are fully responsible for all activities that are carried out on their account or on that of the users sent by them.

The Customer undertakes to:

(a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about himself,

(b) promptly and constantly update the Registration data to keep the information true, accurate, updated and complete,

(c) immediately inform AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security,

(d) log out of your account at the end of each work session.


AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale assumes no obligation to verify the data provided by the Customer. However, if AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale ascertained or even suspected that the information provided is false, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to investigate, provide to third parties, block, suspend or close the account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (or part of them).

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with this section.

The Customer undertakes not to use software and services for illegal purposes or for the transmission or exchange of illegal, harassing, libelous or defamatory material, harmful to the privacy of others, abusive, threatening, harmful, profane, vulgar, obscene, inaccurate, false , misleading, misrepresenting, of which it does not own the rights, misleading or that infringes, or may infringe intellectual or industrial property rights or other services of third parties; that causes harassment, disturbance, violence, pedophilia, exploitation or harm, in any way, that may promote racism, violence or hatred is directed to an individual or a group and is based on sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, language or other characteristic of that individual or group, for the exchange of viruses, chain letters, or for the unsolicited and mass distribution of e-mails (spamming) also references to the regulations in the State from which it operates or that of the recipient.

The Customer's right to use the software and services is personal and non-transferable. The Customer undertakes to keep and secrecy the user ID and password, necessary for the use of software and services, which are also personal and non-transferable. The Customer also assumes responsibility for any abuse and / or violation of these Conditions by third parties who operate with the user-ID and password assigned to it.

The Customer guarantees the use of the Services in accordance with the rules of law and the rules and laws in force also present in the country from which it operates. Therefore, no liability and / or exception can be raised by the Customer towards AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale for any damages and / or events that may arise during this supply of the services covered by the contract, and which are directly and / or indirectly deriving from and / or in any case connected to violations and / or simple non-compliance with contractual obligations and conditions and by law charged to the customer and / or in any case objectively not dependent on AKI Project srl Unipersonale itself.


Aki Project srl Unipersonale does not claim any ownership of the contents shared through the services offered by the DocSending platform, com and the users are solely responsible for the shared contents. Any liability for damage related to the content of the documents lies with those who create, use, archive, share them, including by means of links, used within the platform or by third-party services.

By using the DocSending.com platform you warrant that you have all the representations required to distribute, sublicense, transfer, store and / or make available the content online as a third party.


In the event of a report of abuse or in the event that DocSending.com detects or receives notification of illegal files or content distributed through its service, we will follow the procedures described in our Removal Policy.


The services that can be used with direct internet connection will be available every day of the week and at any time, subject to suspensions made for technical reasons and, at the sole discretion of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale, useful to ensure the best continuation of services, such as:

- Routine maintenance of hardware systems;

- Implementation in systems of new versions of basic software;

- Operations aimed at ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, correction of any anomalies or uploading of updates;

- Archive rescue operations;

- Archive restoration operations, also possibly at the request of the customer;

- Situations that could lead to assume or determine a reduction or in any case an insufficiency of the security level of access to data; Urgent situations for which it is necessary to resort to extraordinary interventions on hardware, software and network components, if these are necessary to allow normal use or restoration of services;

- Force majeure events or in any case outside the possible forecasting capacity of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale, including government measures, natural events, floods, fires, civil uprisings, terrorist acts, pandemics, strikes or other protests whether or not our employees are involved.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale, as part of the paid contractual relationship, with regard to the operation, the possibilities offered by the software program or related services, will provide its customers with telephone and email support at no additional cost during normal daily working hours from Monday to Friday excluding holidays. The customer will be contacted, where possible, within two working days following the request, except in urgent situations. AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale assumes no responsibility for the time necessary to identify and provide the Customer with a solution, nor undertakes to make changes or implementations, unless they are deemed necessary by the latter.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale guarantees the Customer: Space on the servers and processing power adequate for carrying out the activity.


Regardless of it, or during, at the end or after the trial period, it is possible to purchase one of the plans proposed by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale for the DocSending.com product. Buying a plan involves converting the project into a free version (Trail version if used) into a paid project. The characteristics of the various plans are available on the website www.DocSending.com.

Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer.

The activation of the paid plan and the issuance of the related tax documents will take place only after receiving the payment.

AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale will activate the service upon receipt of payment by credit card or after proof of bank transfer. To confirm the credit on the current account, the use of the DocSending.com platform will become active with reference to the purchased plan and the related tax documents will be issued.

For the customer who so wishes, it is possible, by paying a fee, to insert advertising banners with a direct link to their own internet page.

The prices charged by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale for its services are those in force at the time of subscription; in case of renewal of the contract, the price charged will be the one in force at the time of renewal.

Prices and billing policies are subject to change at any time and at the sole discretion of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale.

An updated version of the price list is and will be available on the website www. DocSending.com, which the customer agrees to consult before purchasing and before any contract renewal.

Any consideration indicated in this Agreement must be understood as net of VAT and any other tax due.

Failure by the Customer to use the Services purchased does not imply any obligation to refund / cancel the price by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale.

Any travel expenses incurred by AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale for the execution of the contract (e.g. air tickets, parking, accommodation, motorway costs and other similar costs) are not included in the price and will be invoiced on the basis of the sum of the receipts produced, and may not exceed the established daily limits by the Client and specified in the Offer.


In case of full or late payment, AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale may immediately deactivate, in whole and / or in part and without notice, the Services relating to unpaid or late payments. In particular, payments by credit card are considered to be missed or late, in the event of failure to complete the payment procedure or if the transaction is suspended or rejected; or by bank transfer, failure to credit the amount to the current account of AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale

At the end of the contract, without the user having confirmed the renewal, the user page will remain present but deactivated for 1 year so as to allow the user to renew the subscription even at a later time. After this period, without the user having renewed the subscription, the service will be deactivated and the related information on the user page will be deleted and the contract will be terminated by law. During this period, we reserve the right to be able to deactivate the service and delete the relevant information at any time.

In the case of a plurality of existing contracts with the same Customer, where the unresolved relates to one or some of these relationships, AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale suspend or terminate for non-fulfillment also all other possible supply contracts other than the one covered by the outstanding payment, disabling the services purchased and / or not delivering works already started, and withholding definitively any sums already collected as compensation for damages, except in any case for compensation for greater damage.


There are specific limits on the use of the service in terms of:

- max size of documents in terms of GB,

- max size of the single sending in terms of GB


The Customer authorizes AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale to include in its portfolio of works (brochures, technical documentation, websites) the CUSTOMER's reference (logo, CUSTOMER name, case history and screenshot) relating to the project carried out. For the Client who so desires, it is possible, by paying a fee, to link by clicking his own reference inserted in the work portfolio, to his own internet page.


AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale does not access the information entered by the operators in the software, services via the web and therefore the data generated and managed by them except for strictly technical reasons and for the proper functioning of the service, and therefore not for the purpose of knowing specific information. . AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale also undertakes not to disclose news and information of any kind relating to the activities carried out or in progress by the Operators and their collaborators and not to make use of such information and / or news, directly or indirectly, in in any way or form, both on its own and in favor of third parties.


We inform you that AKI Project s.r.l. Unipersonale stores customer data in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy. Together with these general conditions, the privacy conditions available on the home page of the website www.docsending.com are also accepted. We invite you to read our privacy policy regularly, as you will find the most up-to-date information about our methods of collecting, storing and using data


Cookies are small text files that are stored on computers, mobile phones and other devices used to browse the internet. Through cookies, it is possible to store and save information on the user's browsing and their preferences, helping to improve the browsing experience, thus quickly explaining the importance they have for us. Being able to evaluate the effectiveness of the usability of the various areas of our site allows us to analyze user behavior and consequently contribute to the improvement of the service offered. If you wish to disable the use of cookies, simply change the settings on your computer and the browser used for navigation. This action could inhibit the proper functioning of the site. The Cookie policy is available on the home page of the website www.docsending.com


This Agreement is regulated and disciplined by Italian law. Any dispute between the parties regarding this contract will be previously referred to the conciliation body at the Chamber of Commerce of Cremona. In the event of a negative outcome of the conciliation attempt, any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the Contract is subject to Italian jurisdiction and reserved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Cremona.